Davemo Posts, Turkey, March 2022 to February 2023
The Way is perfect like vast space
where nothing is lacking and nothing in excess.
Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject
that we do not see the true nature of things.
~ The Third Patriarch of Zen
~ Verses on the Faith Mind
Greetings, friends. I can't account for myself, as usual, but periodically I post too-many photos, and that probably raises more questions than answers. Anyway, I'm surprised I haven't created a blog post in year, and I'm happy that it wasn't a five year break like I took after my brother died.
If you've been on the Davemo Posts Whatsapp group, you will have seen these. To the rest of you, welcome.
Look for more of these WhatsApp catch-up posts. They are lined up and aiming at YOU!
March 4, 2022

My one week trip to Istanbul turned into 3 and 1/2 weeks, but I finally escaped a few days ago, and now I'm back in Antalya, on the Aegean coast. That white snow in the mountains is fresh, from yesterday's rainfall here. This natural harbor has been used at least since Greek times, and was visited by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 130 AD.
March 6, 2022

I went to see Hadrian's Gate tonight for the first time, a 10 minute walk from my hotel. It's not clear to me whether it was built before Hadrian visited in 130 AD. Another famous visitor to the gate: the Queen of Sheba, on her way to visit Solomon! Wow, that happens to be total BS because that was about 1,000 years before the gate was built. But still: good story, and I will not let the facts deter me.
March 8, 2022

I just posted a newsletter about the trip to Istanbul, if you're interested.
November 22, 2022

Greetings, friends. Welcome back to occasional updates on Davemo Posts. The unusual lifestyle continues, and this photo is the latest evidence. I'm parked here right now, wild camping in a small forest, 20 minutes away from the Zagreb airport in Croatia. I'm leaving my van in a parking lot and flying to Istanbul for a month, not so much for tourism but to visit my eye doctor. Stories to follow. Many things have happened, some of them good! Love to all of you...
November 29, 2022

One of the famous cats of Istanbul was held spellbound by my storytelling prowess, plus the hope that I might share my Doritos. (She didn't like them, actually.) I might become one of the cat ladies, carrying my own supply of cat food and spreading it out on street corners.
December 3, 2022

More pics of my Istanbul wanderings: It's not only the cats that are famous and loved here. The "street dogs," if you can call them that, are everywhere, mostly overfed, and have the run of the place. I've seen them asleep in front a grocery store entrance and people just step over them. Many of them are giant by street dog standards!
December 3, 2022

Beautiful Galata Tower, built in 1348, is an iconic symbol of the city. Plus, take that, Wright brothers: "It was from its roof that, in 1638, Hezarfen Ahmed Çelebi supposedly strapped on wings and made the first intercontinental flight, landing in Üsküdar on the Asian side of the city, a story of doubtful authenticity recounted by the Ottoman travel writer, Evliya Çelebi." For sure that's not true, but I like the story. Do your own research, people! Then believe whatever pleases you, cuz them's the new rules.
December 3, 2022

Super groovy and super crowded İstiklal Avenue, where the recent bomb was detonated on November 13 of this year, killing six and wounding 81. The site of the actual bombing has been cleaned up and people were sitting outside at a cafe right next to it. The only giveaway was the huge number of police in the area.
December 3, 2022

Oh, help! I could live on sweets like this, and they are damn near irresistible to me. The food displays, especially of sweets, are laid out like art museums.
December 3, 2022

Pray for me.
December 8, 2022

This small ferry building at Moda Pier was renovated and reopened in August. The stone pier is thought to be one of the oldest piers in Istanbul. Upstairs is a library anyone can use and downstairs is a coffee shop. Great hangout spot.
December 8, 2022

Colorful fruit and vegetables at an outdoor market.
December 8, 2022

My favorite way to get around - this particular ferry runs between Europe and Asia. It takes 20 minutes and costs 50 cents. The 6-hour all day Bosphorus cruise costs $4. I'll take the ferry for any reason or no reason, because I love it. This man has a bag full of bread and was feeding the seagulls.
December 8, 2022

Such a food obsession! Me, I mean. Turkey in general and Istanbul in particular, also. These giant columns of meat (chicken on the left, beef on the right) are rotated in front of a broiler, cooking from the outside in. They shave the cooked parts of the roll for a sandwich, or a flatbread wrap, or other dishes.
December 11, 2022

What is that goopy mess in the water? Zoom in - maybe millions of jellyfish. The wind pushes them all up against the shore.
December 11, 2022

Mama cat could kick these almost-adult children out, couldn't she? Go find your own cat lady, you lazy bastards. Or is it just that I'm not a cat, or a mother?
December 11, 2022

A peaceful ferry, the smallest one I've been on.
December 26, 2022

Greetings friends, and Merry Christmas-ish from Turkey, where Christians make up a scant 0.2% of the population. At last I'm enjoying the life of an oppressed minority, without the irritation of actually being oppressed, which I see as a win-win.
December 26, 2022

Enjoy your holidays, lovely people, and appreciate your many gifts. You have much to be grateful for!
February 10, 2023

Let's get this posting party started again, shall we? I'm no longer in Istanbul, I'm now in the southwest of Turkey in the village of Kas. Beautiful place, recently a lot of sunshine and little rain. It's a 12 hour drive to the tragic earthquake area, and no physical effects here. More photos to come - do I dare promise? Ciao!
February 11, 2023

This is in the quaint lanes of Kas, Turkey during summer. Lots of pedestrian zones, many shops and restaurants, cafes... and Russians!
February 13, 2023

Oh my gosh. I just saw this photo of a man near the earthquake epicenter, holding the hand of his 15 year-old daughter who died and was pinned in the rubble. I find it so touching and tragic. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/13/middleeast/turkey-quake-man-daughter-hand-photo-intl/index.html
February 16, 2023

A wander near the town square, and this small mosque, recently renovated. There's only a single trail into the hills in the distance. I'll show you pics of that area next post.
February 16, 2023

This looks like sort of a country saloon to me. It's right on the sea, with a big view out the windows on the left.
February 16, 2023

Aha! Just outside it's shaping up to be a good sunset. Those are just the kind of clouds you want to see.
February 16, 2023

One of my new hangouts. Why isn't it filled with people before I get here? It's an amazing setting.
February 16, 2023

Ok! I approve. Tomorrow I'm hiking 15 km, 9 mi, up and around the big mountains behind the town. Photos to come!
February 18, 2023

It feels summer-ish today, sipping a cafe latte at this popular cafe on the main square of Kas. It's 17° c, 62° f, cool in the shade, a little hot in the sun. You may see some boats in the harbor, but you won't be able to tell where people are from - I can't tell from here. I'm guessing 2/3
(The End)